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Як найняти чудового фрилансера в категорії Capture NX2 Expert
Capture-nx is a powerful photo editing tool that enhances photos and provides the ultimate finishing touch. Experts in the use of CaputreNX can produce stunning creations from even the simplest of photographs.
The advanced features available for photo editing make the options for consumers and professional editors more widespread than ever before. Listed below are just some of the amazing features included with Capture-NX:
Capture-NX allows for innovation to meet editing with the addition of control points. Photographers can pick and choose exactly which parts of the photo to edit. Enhancement options for hue, brightness, and saturation are more functional than ever. The use of the control point technology, paired with an expert in Caputre-NX results in truly gorgeous and unique photographs.
Caputre-NX brings photography correction tools to a whole new level. With choices like an auto retouch brush to achieve more natural results, you can remove specks of dust with a single mouse click or even use a simple swipe to match the surrounding color tones. All standard tools, such as blemish removal, teeth whitening, and red-eye removal are available for editors to use.
The quick fix option is now accessible in one user-friendly bar and allows you to process multiple tasks and use the various functions to adjust each photo independent of the others.
Speaking of efficiency, photo editors now have four workspaces available to them within the software - these spaces are titled Broser, Metadata, Multi-Purpose, and Edit. The window composition of these workspaces can be easily adjusted to the preference of the user, and can be saved in exact positioning for re-opening later.
Not only do editors have multiple workspaces to choose from, but now it is possible to have multiple image processing settings open at the same time also. CaptureNX makes it possible to make changes and slight adjustments with images side-by -side.
CaptureNX also now supports 9 different kinds of labeling, and 5 levels of rating. Projects are compatible with ViewNX, Adobe Bridge, and Windows Visa.
There are a variety of features for editors to utilize when creating a masterpiece for personal of business use. Businesses can benefit from editors that specialize in the use of CaptureNX as well by having photographs edited prior to advertisement promotion. Those that are not quite satisfied with their headshot, or family photos can also chose to have them tweaked to perfection.
If you’re looking for a solution for your CaptureNx needs or if you are looking to trial a freelancer to see if they provide the levels of expertise you are looking for, using a platform such as Freelancer.com is a fantastic option.
Simply log onto the Freelancer.com website and search through a bank of talented freelancers who are willing and able to provide their services to you for your project. Visit Freelancer.com today to post a project, and achieve beautiful results from CaptureNX expert today.
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