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Незалежно від того, чи ви вже керуєте бізнесом, чи мрієте його відкрити, я тут, щоб допомогти перетворити ваше бачення на реальність разом із фрілансерами, які працюють зі штучним інтелектом. Поділіться своїми бізнес-цілями, і разом ми створимо проект, в який наші талановиті фрілансери зможуть подавати заявки. Втілимо ваші плани в життя!
У мене є бізнес
Я відкриваю бізнес
Під час надсилання розмови на вашу електронну пошту сталася помилка. Будь-ласка, спробуйте ще раз пізніше.
Ви можете зберігати вашу розмову лише раз на годину. Будь-ласка, спробуйте ще раз пізніше.
Ваша розмова занадто коротка. Продовжуйте спілкуватися з Авою, щоб увімкнути функцію збереження.
Як найняти чудового фрилансера в категорії J2ME Developer
J2ME is the acronym for the Java 2 Platform Micro Edition. The programming language is a collection of Java APIs that target embedded consumer products such as PDAs, mobile phones, wireless devices and consumer appliances.
The programming language is often used to create games for mobile devices especially mobile phones as it can be emulated on a personal computer during the development stage and, once complete, is uploaded to a mobile phone device.
The programming language was launched by Sun Microsystems in 1998 and since then has been a popular program for use on mobile platforms.
Profiles for J2ME are APIs that are built on top of configurations to provide a runtime environment for a mobile device.
Features of J2ME for users:
Large range of device types and hardware configurations
Ongoing improvements in device technology
Diverse range of apps and features for users and developers
A range of usage models employed on devices
There are two main concepts for a J2ME environment these are outlined below:
Configuration - the process needs a minimum platform for a horizontal category or grouping of devices. This configuration defines the Java language, the features, and minimum class libraries.
Profiles - a profile comprises a layered configuration. Profiles include class libraries that are domain-specific and can support multiple configurations.
If your business is looking to employ a J2ME developer to program your consumer device, consider investigating the extensive range of freelancers available to work on your project who are registered on freelancer.com.
Freelancer.com offers experienced and qualified freelance J2ME developers to employers looking to engage an individual on a small or large project.
Log onto Freelancer.com today and view the extensive range of freelancers to are ready to start your project. View freelance profiles, review feedback and instant message individuals to discuss your project ahead of awarding it to an individual.
Arranging programming for your business is easier than ever, find the perfect freelancer programmer on Freelancer.com today.
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