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Електронну адресу успішно верифіковано.
Berkay G.
Preferred Architect - Interior Designer
$35 USD / год.
Turkey (11:46 пп)
На сайті з жовтня 19, 2021
$35 USD / год.
Leveraging my diverse professional background, I thoroughly examine your projects from multiple perspectives to deliver the most effective solutions.
One key aspect I want to emphasize is my commitment to Building Information Modeling (BIM). By integrating this innovative approach into your projects, I create a seamless connection between the aesthetic vision and construction costs, ensuring your project's success on all fronts.
My ultimate goal is to bring your dream structure to life. To achieve this, I prioritize interactive communication throughout the construction process, collaborating with you on every detail, no matter how small.
I am dedicated to supporting construction professionals across various sectors. Whether it's sales offices, contractors, or architectural firms, I provide high-quality 3D rendering and realistic visualizations tailored to your needs. My services include creating BIM-compliant models, conducting cost analyses, and developing original designs, all aimed at transforming your vision into reality.
Services Offered:
- Architectural Technical Drawings
- Interior Design
- Building Information Modelling (BIM)
- 3D Ultra Realistic Visualization
- Facade Design
- Quantity and Cost Calculations
I look forward to the opportunity to collaborate and make your project a remarkable success!
Best regards,