Celebrates 15 Million Feat Through Unique User Stories

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"I was attracted to work on because it was growing stronger every day. The jobs are increasing, giving me more work opportunities. I knew that the site could help me achieve my dream to work independently," said Gaston Muyano, a digital artist and animator from Uruguay.

His freelancing story is just one of the 30 published in the e-book released to celebrate's 15 million users milestone. The book features a mix of entrepreneurs and self-employed professionals who have been empowered by the site to accomplish goals and create positive changes in their lives.

The stories are as varied and unique as our users themselves. There are business owners who were able to turn their project ideas into reality, and freelancers who enjoy limitless opportunities in jobs and earnings.

"Freelancer is a very rare and exceptional company. What we do actually makes a difference. We change lives. We help lift people out of poverty. We help entrepreneurs build businesses. We are still in the very early days of this journey, but we’ve made a start," CEO Matt Barrie said.

Since its conception in 2009, grew quickly, reaching 9 million registered users by the time it went public on the ASX in 2013. A year and a half later, Freelancer reached 15 million users, cementing its reputation as the world’s largest freelancing and crowdsourcing marketplace in terms of users and projects.

To give unparalleled service to users, the site now has 40 regional websites with 19 supported currencies and is also available in 32 languages and 247 countries, regions, and territories. The jobs available in this massive marketplace now span over 750 categories.

It doesn't stop there. will further evolve into an integral tool that transforms the lives of entrepreneurs and self-employed individuals. "None of this would have been possible without the encouragement and contribution of our 15 million users all around the world," Matt said.

In line with the 15 million users milestone, we've put together 15 freelancer and 15 employer success stories in this e-book. Be inspired by these users who broke boundaries in order to meet their goals and dreams. View the e-book here.

Опубліковано 18 червня, 2015

Nikki Hernandez
Nikki Hernandez Співробітники

Wired and Inspired | Content Coordinator,

I'm the coordinator of Freelancer's Case Study Program. I write inspirational success stories of employers and freelancers. When not busy writing, I play video games.

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