The Puppy-dog Effect: Transcribing Your Content For More Traffic, Conversions, and all Around Love.

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Yes, you read the title right. No, this isn’t a joke. We're dead serious about transcription...

Let me blow your mind with a statistic: there are over 152 million blogs floating around out there in cyberspace.

43% of those blogs are on Wordpress.

35% are on Blogger.

16% are on Tumblr.

And the rest are sprinkled across random smaller platforms.

Now, there are really two types of blogs out there in the blogosphere: cats and puppy-dog blogs. Blogs of the cat variety don’t really play well with others, they merely exist and they require a lot of upkeep, so you will pour more and more time into them but really you are the only one who loves them. Now, the puppy on the other hand receives a whole lot of love...for basically doing nothing, but looking intrinsically cute. They’re constantly being looked at, and many will give their life just to save one.

You want to be the puppy.

With me so far?

Let me throw another statistic your way. Four times as many consumers prefer to watch a video about a product than to read about it. In fact, YouTube alone, is the world’s second largest search engine.    

The simple solution to maximizing your content? Becoming the puppy of the blogosphere. Repurpose your existing content into various forms of media using the help of transcription and transcribing services.


Let’s take a little pause here, before we get into the nitty-gritty, and talk about what transcription actually is.

Typically, transcription deals with converting audio or video content into an electronic text document, word for word.

With a quality transcriber, you can:

  • Transcribe video or audio recordings into an electronic transcript.

  • Transcribe video or audio recordings into a specific language transcript.  

  • Take this electronic transcript and turn it into multiple blog posts, upping your search engine game, and increasing your audience.

  • Take this electronic transcript and add it to your video or audio content, enhancing user experience, and increasing engagement.

For example, you know that 15 minute podcast you uploaded the other day?, take it, transcribe it, and turn each question into it’s own mini-blog post.

How about that YouTube video you just uploaded?, transcribe it and add it to a blog post along with the transcript, so that search engines can crawl your web page easier.

The possibilities are pretty much endless.

Tldr: transcription is a very much overlooked method of repurposing content — bring your old content back to life and give it the edge it needs to stand out from the rest of the crowd.  



By 2019, global consumer Internet video traffic will account for 80 percent of all consumer Internet traffic.

What’s bad about this, is that search engines haven’t evolved to the point where they can watch a video, or listen to audio. What they can do is index text. Transcribing your content, and placing a transcript on your video page enables search engines to crawl your multimedia content and index it accordingly.

In fact, a study conducted by Liveclicker which compared 37 web pages before and after adding transcripts, showed that on average, pages with transcripts earned ~16% more revenue.

Another option, is to add closed captions to your videos. It’s essentially a text file that your video references as it plays, and can therefore it can be read by search engines.

Hold on. Chances are by this point, you have a working knowledge of all Google’s little nuances. But, what determines search rank in YouTube?

The answer is pretty obvious (but not at the same time). It’s watch time. Watch time, in the eyes of YouTube, is essentially “the amount of time in aggregate that your viewers are watching your video”.

There’s a 40% increase in views for captioned videos as they can keep their viewers engaged, regardless of audio. This is especially important in mobile.   


These days, value is the name of the game. And a big part of determining value is by providing a great UX for your readers. This is definitely something that Google is starting to increasingly value when determining page rank.

Just how does providing a video script enhance user experience on your blog?

  • A student or journalist using your video for research can use it as a guide, to get direct quotes, and ensure nothing gets lost in translation.

  • People who are deaf or hard of hearing can use closed captions to improve their video viewing experience.

  • People who are non-english speakers can get access to your video by having your closed captions available in different languages.

Just by doing all these things, you have doubled, tripled or even quadrupled the number of people who can access your content, and search engines are going to reward you for it.


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The more content you have, the more chance your business has of getting discovered, and if you do it right, it can save you time and money. That’s where comes in. Transcription services from top transcribers around the world are available from $7 USD/hr. Ready to give your content the “lift” it needs?

Did you miss out on last week’s article? We talked about how to validate your mobile app idea.

How are you going to turn your blog from kitty-cat, to puppy-dog?

Sound off in the comments below, and tweet at us.


Опубліковано 5 квітня, 2017 Official Official Співробітники

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