Angular JS dynamic routing / up to v1.6

  • Статус: Closed
  • Винагорода: $40
  • Надіслані роботи: 2

Стисле описання конкурсу


I'm a bit stuck with a project, and I need some help.

Trying to build an Angular.js 1.6 app which gets configuration data from JSON files.

The app will retrieve product data and display it. Each product will have its own folder under /data/
Each product will have a JSON file describing its properties: /data/product1/overview.json

You will need to create the following scenario.

Data files are in these locations:
/data/default.json (only this file can be hardcoded in the app)

Use ngRoute or UI router, the app needs deeplinking, use $locationProvider.html5Mode(true);
On the home page create links to the four products in /data/v001/overview.json
On each product page create a list of links to each product property found in /data/v001/21304{x}/overview.json
The frontend URLs need to match this pattern: /21304{x}/proterty1code/proterty2code/proterty3code/proterty4code/

NOTE: THE PRODUCTS NEED TO BE DYNAMIC. Only the first json URL can be hardcoded, and the products need to be extendable by changing the overview.json file and adding a subdirectory.

If you need any other details feel free to ask in comments.

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