Write an article on "App UI & UX Design 101"

  • Статус: Closed
  • Винагорода: $10
  • Надіслані роботи: 1
  • Переможець: ahsanzia9090

Стисле описання конкурсу

Write an article on App UI & UX Design 101

Subtitle What are the different design disciplines for an app and what do they do?

Should cover: when should you hire which type of freelancer designer?
What are the key names of things that matter in app design? e.g. what is a wire frame?
What are the key tools? for example what is Adobe XD?
What is the best approach and process when designing to build an app? Including feature flows, etc. What comes first?
How much time should you set aside to do these various pieces of work?
What is information architecture and does it really matter in app design?
What is a design system?

- The article should be clear.
- It should be your original content or at least your take or edited version (not a direct copy and paste of internet content) - we will run a plagiarizm check on grammarly.com
- Article should reflect your expertise as a UI Designer or UX Designer or logo designer, etc.
- Article should be be between 1,500 words and 3,500 words.
- Add bullet points and bolding of key messages please.
- SEO keywords

Once it wins, the article will be published on our website. It will give you a chance to be viewed as a subject matter expert which can in turn one day result in business for you. Once it wins, the article should be exclusive to this contest.


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